Betty Bergland is Professor and Chair
of the Department of History and Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-River
Falls. She teaches recent U.S. history, including immigration and ethnic
history, women's history and U.S. foreign policy. Her publications,
focused on gender, ethnicity and race in American culture, appear in
various journals, edited volumes and encyclopedias. Her current project
examines relations between Scandinavian immigrants and indigenous peoples
in the Upper Midwest during the 19th and 20th century. This long-term,
book project has (thus far) resulted in ten scholarly presentations
on both sides of the Atlantic (including OAH, WHA and the 19th International
Congress of Historical Sciences in Oslo) and several articles, most
recently the forthcoming piece on the Bethany Indian Mission in Wittenberg,
Mary Kupiec Cayton is Professor of
History and American Studies at Miami University. She is the author
of Emerson's Emergence: Self and Society in the Transformation of
New England, 1800-1845 (University of North Carolina Press, 1989)
and co-editor of two prize-winning reference works, The Encyclopedia
of American Social History and The Encyclopedia of American Cultural
and Intellectual History. Her published essays include contributions
to the American Historical Review, the Journal of Social History,
American Quarterly, and Reviews in American History (among
others). The work she will be presenting on Harriet Newell’s memoir
and female evangelical activism is part of a larger project on the shaping
of an evangelical culture in New England from 1780 to 1830. Her research
on this project has been funded by the Howard Foundation, the Massachusetts
Historical Society, and the Beinecke Library of Yale University.
Derek Chang is Assistant Professor
of History and Asian American Studies at Cornell University, where he
is also a member of the American Studies faculty. He recently contributed
a chapter, "'Marked in Body, Mind, and Spirit': Home Missionaries
and the Remaking of Race and Nation," to Race, Nation, and Religion
in the Americas (Oxford University Press, 2004), edited by Henry
Goldschmidt and Elizabeth McAlister. He is currently completing a manuscript
on African American and Chinese interactions with the American Baptist
Home Mission Society, tentatively entitled, "Converting Race, Transforming
the Nation: Evangelical Christianity and the 'Problem' of Diversity
in Late-Nineteenth Century America." He is a recipient of the Anne
Firor Scott Research Award from Duke University's Women's Studies Program
and a fellowship from the Social Science Research Council's Religion
and Immigration program.
Sue Gronewold is Assistant Professor
in the Department of History at Kean University, Union, NJ. Her publications
include Beautiful Merchandise: Prostitution in China 1860-1937
(Haworth Press and The Institute for Research in History, 1982) and
“Exile and Identity: The Door of Hope in Taiwan, 1955-75”
in Women in Modern Taiwan, edited by Murray Rubinstein (ME Sharpe
Press, 2003). She is currently working on a book manuscript tentatively
entitled “Encountering Hope: The Door of Hope Mission in Shanghai
and Taipei.”
Daniel W. Howe is Rhodes Professor
of American History emeritus at Oxford University in England, and professor
of history emeritus at UCLA. His writings have dealt chiefly with the
intellectual and cultural history of antebellum America. His many publications
include Making the American Self (Harvard University Press, 1997),
and, most recently, "Church, State, and Education in the Young
American Republic," Journal of the Early Republic (Spring
2002). He is presently writing What Hath God Wrought: The United
States, 1815-1848, a volume in The Oxford History of the United
States. Howe is a former president of the Society for Historians
of the Early American Republic.
Jane Hunter is Professor of History
and Director of the Gender Studies Program at Lewis and Clark College,
Portland, Oregon. She is the author of several publications, including
The Gospel of Gentility: American Women Missionaries in Turn-of-the-Century
China (Yale University Press, 1984) and How Young Ladies Became
Girls: The Victorian Origins of Girlhood in the United States (Yale
University Press, 2002). She has been awarded fellowships from the National
Endowment for the Humanities and the Humanities Center at the University
of Utah. During the academic year 2003-2004, Hunter was a Fulbright
fellow at the University of Shanghai, China.
Susan Haskell Kahn is a doctoral candidate
in twentieth-century American cultural and intellectual history at University
of California Berkeley. She is a recipient of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship
in Humanistic Studies and the 2003 Lawrence Gelfand-Armin Rappaport
Fellowship from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations.
Her dissertation (2006) is a study of the mainline Protestant missionary
encounter with Indian Nationalism and its significance for American
religious and national identity. She argues that nationalist pressures
in the inter-war period forced significant changes in missionary tactics,
with important and unrecognized consequences for racial liberalism,
the human rights movement, and changing perceptions of liberal Protestant
world "mission" in the post-World War II period.
Sylvia Jacobs is Professor of History
at North Carolina Central University. Her books include The African
Nexus: Black American Perspectives on the European Partitioning of Africa,
1880-1920 (Greenwood Press, 1981) and Black Americans and the
Missionary Movement in Africa (Greenwood Press, 1982). She has also
published over four dozen articles, essays, and biographical sketches
on the relationship of African Americans with Africa and Africans and
is presently completing a trilogy on African American missionaries in
Africa. Dr. Jacobs has received a National Endowment for the Humanities
Fellowship and a Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship. Her publications
have won her awards from several organizations, including the Letitia
Brown Memorial Publication Prize, given by the Association of Black
Women Historians (1984, 1992).
Maria Jaschok is Director of the International
Gender Studies Centre in Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University, Research
Associate in Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University, and a Senior
Research Scholar in the Institute for Chinese Studies, Oxford University.
Her publications include: The History of Women’s Mosques in
Chinese Islam: A Mosque of Their Own (Curzon Press, 2000), co-authored
with Shui Jingjun, and published in Chinese as Zhongguo Qingzhen
Nüsishi (The History of Women's Mosques in Chinese Islam) (
Sanlian Chubanshe, Harvard-Yench'ing Series, 2002), and Concubines
and Bondservants: A Social History (Zed Books, 1988). She has co-edited
Chinese Women Organizing; Cadres, Feminists, Muslims, Queers
(Berg Publishers, 2001). She has published numerous articles in journals
such as Feminist Studies, various encyclopedias, and in both
Chinese and English language edited collections. She has recently received
fellowships from the Nordic Institute for Asian Studies, Copenhagen,
and the University of Hong Kong, Centre of Asian Studies. Her current
research project engages American missions in China.
Rui Kohiyama is Professor of American
and Gender Studies at Tokyo Woman’s Christian University in Tokyo,
Japan. Her first book, As Our God Alone will Lead Us: The Nineteenth-Century
American Women’s Foreign Missionary Enterprise and Its Encounter
with Meiji Japan (University of Tokyo Press, 1992) was a groundbreaking
work in the academic field in Japan and was awarded two prizes. Kohiyama
has written widely on women and missions since and received several
fellowships for her research projects, including the Rockefeller Foundation
and the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program. Her current project concerns
the process of decline in the American women’s missionary enterprise
in the first half of the twentieth century within a context of increasing
tension arising from modernity, native nationalism, and international
Barbara Reeves-Ellington is Assistant
Professor of U.S. History at Siena College, Loudonville, NY. Her most
recent article “A Vision of Mount Holyoke in the Ottoman Balkans:
American Cultural Transfer, Bulgarian Nation-Building, and Women’s
Educational Reform, 1858-1870,” appeared in Gender & History
in 2004. She is currently preparing a book length manuscript tentatively
entitled “Boston on the Bosphorus: American Missions and Social
Change in Ottoman Europe.” She has received fellowships from the
Fulbright Foundation (Institute of Balkan Studies, Bulgaria, 1999-2000)
and the Dartmouth Humanities Institute (2002).
Mary Renda teaches history and women’s
studies at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA,
having received her doctorate in history from Yale University in 1993.
She is the author of Taking Haiti: Military Occupation and the Culture
of U.S. Imperialism, 1915-1940 (University of North Carolina Press,
2001), for which she was awarded the John Hope Franklin Prize from the
American Studies Association, the Albert J. Beveridge Prize from the
American Historical Association, and the Stuart L. Bernath Book Prize
from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations. Professor
Renda is currently at work on a study of the changing forms of U.S.
imperialism between the world wars.
Jay Sexton is University Lecturer in American
history at Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford. His research
focuses on nineteenth century foreign relations, with a particular emphasis
on transatlantic finance, Anglo-American relations and the diplomacy
of the Civil War era. His first book, Debtor Diplomacy: Finance and
American Foreign Relations in the Civil War Era, 1837-1873 was recently
published by Oxford University Press. Currently, he is working on a
book on the history of the "Monroe Doctrine."
Connie Shemo is Assistant Professor
at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. She is currently
preparing a manuscript entitled "An Army of Women: The Medical
Ministries of Kang Cheng and Shi Meiyu, 1896-1937". This study
explores issues of cultural transfer, gender and changing constructions
of Western medicine, and perceptions of race and culture in American
missions through the lens of the medical work of two Chinese women Methodist
missionary physicians, Kang Cheng and Shi Meiyu (a.k.a. Ida Kahn and
Mary Stone.) She has received fellowships from the Rockefeller Archives
Center and the Special Collections on Women and Medicine at the Medical
College of Pennsylvania.
Ian Tyrrell is a Professor (and former
Head of School) in the School of History, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia. He is the author of six books, including Sobering
Up: From Temperance to Prohibition in Antebellum America, 1800-1860
(Greenwood Press, 1979) and Woman's World/Woman's Empire: The Woman's
Christian Temperance Union in International Perspective (University
of North Carolina Press, 1991). For five years he edited the Australasian
Journal of American Studies and has contributed articles to the
American Historical Review, the Journal of American History,
the Journal of Southern History; Environment and History;
Histoire Sociale; Amerikastudien; and the Journal of
World History. He has twice been awarded an Australian Research
Council Large Grant. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the
Humanities, and current President of the Australian and New Zealand
American Studies Association and of the Alcohol and Temperance History
Group of the American Historical Association. His current research interests
focus on 19th century America's transnational connections, especially
in regard to imperialism and the cultural and economic expansion of
European peoples.